The Central Board of Health and the Ministry of Health reaffirms its commitment to overseeing the safe handling of food in Antigua and Barbuda.

The recent enforcement actions by the Central Board of Health underscore the importance of businesses ensuring compliance with regulations.

During rapid inspections conducted on Saturday night, emphasis was placed on key factors such as possession of a food handler’s ID, availability of hand washing stations, and adherence to time and temperature regulations for food storage.

Unfortunately, numerous food safety infractions were discovered, leading to the discontinuation of food sale to the public.

Of the sixteen vendors inspected, 12 were directed to cease food preparation and sale, while 10 were found to be lacking a hand washing station and 12 did not possess a valid food safety badge.

Furthermore, three vendors were found to be holding food at incorrect temperatures, resulting in the seizure and disposal of food items from four vendors.

Following these inspections, a meeting was convened on April 22nd at the Central Board of Health office with the affected business owners.

The Ministry emphasizes the necessity for all businesses involved in food sales to possess valid food handler badges and meet all regulatory requirements. This includes maintaining proper hand washing stations and adhering to time and temperature standards for food storage.

Moving forward, the Ministry will continue to exercise vigilance in monitoring food handling practices to safeguard public health. It urges all food vendors to proactively adhere to regulations and participate in necessary training to ensure the provision of safe and wholesome food to the community.

To assist businesses in achieving compliance, a special food safety training session was held on April 25th. Businesses instructed to cease food preparation for public consumption were asked to register for the training no later than April 23rd at the Central Board of Health office on Upper Church Street.

The Central Board of Health remains committed to safeguarding public health and urges full cooperation from food vendors to ensure the provision of safe and wholesome food to the community.

Health Minister Sir Molwyn Joseph extends his gratitude to the dedicated workers for diligently carrying out their responsibilities in ensuring food safety.

He encourages them to continue their efforts in upholding these standards. Additionally, the Minister urges all individuals involved in food handling to follow the correct procedures to guarantee the safety of the public.

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